I was going through my pictures the other day - sorting and organizing - when I came across these pictures. They're from quite a while ago but I couldn't resist posting them. Denver was upset about something and went to sit on the stairs and wallow in his sorrow. Frodo isn't a big fan of anyone being upset so he right away went to keep Denver company.
Here they are lying at the top of the stairs. Heads down.
I think they're both pouting in this picture.
Check out that face (and the tears!)
All is right again after snuggles with Daddy. And of course Frodo is right in there too!
Precious moments forever in your hearts. It's neat to see the Frodo knew exactly who needed him at the moment.
Thats my Baby!! ;)
Nothing like a Daddy hug to make all better...oh and a puppy to hug!
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